Oscar Pistorius Murder Trial
Oscar Pistorius at the first round of the 400m at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Picture:
The Murder Trial of World Famous Blade-runner
Oscar Pistorius
In the early hours of February 14, 2013 four shots rang out in a secure housing complex located in an upmarket suburb of Pretoria, one of South Africa’s three capital cities. This was followed by more banging sounds, later identified as a cricket bat used to smash down the toilet door in the home owned by world famous blade-runner, Oscar Pistorius. He had shot his beautiful model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp dead. But Pistorius claimed it was a terrible mistake and that he believed the person behind the toilet door was an intruder.
More than a year later the murder trial of Pistorius began in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, capturing the attention of the world. Journalists from all over the world attended the trial in person, with a second court room set up with television screens so that the overflow who could not fit into the relatively small courtroom could see and hear what was going on.
In addition, anybody with access to South Africa’s DSTV channel could tune in and follow the proceedings live, as they happened – a first for SA.
My coverage of court proceedings for Guardian Liberty Voice, an online newspaper based in Los Vega, USA, began in late February 2014. The illustrated list of articles below starts from the most recent, so if you want to track the trial from the beginning, start from the bottom and work your way up. Note that the very first article reports on an article published by a local Sunday newspaper claiming that Pistorius “surfed porn” the night he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp. This evidence was never brought before the court, so has never been validated.
NOTE: Argument by both sides will begin on August 7 and has been set down for two court days. It is expected that Judge Masipa will deliver her verdict in September 2014.
Oscar Pistorius Intended to Shoot the Person Behind His Toilet Door, Prof
July 7, 2014
Professor Wayne Derman, an expert witness for the defense has told the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria that Oscar Pistorius intended to shoot the person behind his toilet door when he fired four rounds at the door in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year. That person was his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, and she died as a result of the shooting. Pistorius, who has been charged with the murder of Miss Steenkamp, has pleaded not guilty to the charge, arguing in his defense that he believed the person on the other side of the toilet door was an intruder and that his life was in danger.
Oscar Pistorius Psychologist Report Published in Spite of Court Ban
July 6, 2014
The Oscar Pistorius mental evaluation report by a psychologist, banned from publication by the South African high court, appears in graphic detail in at least one local newspaper this weekend, in spite of the court order that banned its publication in the “public domain.”
According to the newspaper that claimed this publication coup, all it took was “an agreement” with the blade-runner’s legal team to be able to publish. The same newspaper also highlights a controversial “secret video” that has surfaced on social media over the weekend.
Secret Video Reveals Oscar Pistorius Re-enacting Killing Reeva Steenkamp
July 6, 2014
In a world exclusive, an American broadcasting company is set to release a secret video that reveals murder-accused Oscar Pistorius re-enacting how he killed his gorgeous girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. A promotional “trailer” was released Saturday showing him pumping four bullets into a door killing her, and carrying a supposedly dead woman similar in size to his now dead girlfriend.
In the trailer released by Seven Network’s Sunday Night, the world-famous Olympian is seen “running” on his stumps, as if with gun in hand (although he is not holding a weapon), his right arm totally outstretched – a stance that appears to conflict with evidence he has given in court. Then you see a figure facing what looks like the now infamous toilet door, shouting “get out get out! Get the f*** out!” He is also seen in what purports to be his bedroom shouting, “Baby call the police,” and later, can be heard in the background screaming “help, help.”
Oscar Pistorius: Vulnerable Anxious Angry Hyper-Vigilant Possibly Suicidal

July 3, 2014
The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has heard that the famous blade-runner, Oscar Pistorius is a vulnerable and anxious person who is hyper-vigilant, gets angry, and if not treated clinically, could possibly become suicidal. This highly complex picture of the man accused of murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year, has emerged during the last leg of the defense case that he shot her thinking she was an intruder. The state maintains that the Olympian athlete shot her in cold blood.
Evidence of Pistorius’ vulnerability, anxiety and hyper-vigilance was given by two of his doctors this week, while the idea that he may become suicidal, was noted by a psychologist who observed and tested him while at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital last month. His anger was highlighted during cross-examination of his manager in court this week.
Oscar Pistorius Has No Mental Defects Court Told

July 1, 2014
The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has been told that Oscar Pistorius did not suffer from any mental defects at the time he killed Reeva Steenkamp by shooting her through his toilet door in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year. This follows a 30-day evaluation period at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital where a panel of three psychiatrists and a psychologist were required to ascertain whether Pistorius was capable of appreciating the wrongfulness of his act and therefore criminally responsible for the killing.
All four members of the panel agreed that, “he did not suffer from a mental defect that stopped him acting in appreciation of right and wrong or what he was doing,” or that “would have rendered him not responsible. “ Furthermore, both the defense and prosecution accepted the findings of the panel, though both Gerrie Nel, for the state, and Pistorius’ defense advocate, Barry Roux said they might need to call members of the panel as witnesses at a later stage in the murder trial.
Murder Madness: Oscar Pistorius, Shrein Dewani and Other Accused Killers

May 23, 2014
Two high profile murder trials in South Africa are currently pending the outcome of psychiatric assessments at state hospitals: Oscar Pistorius, charged with the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, and Shrein Dewani, charged with the murder of his wife, Anni. A third murder trial was adjourned this week at the point of sentencing, when it emerged that one of three other accused killers, all already convicted of murdering an elderly couple and their son in March this year, suffered from delusions. As the judge halted proceedings and asked for a psychiatrist’s report, the surviving son, Stefan Schutte said it was “madness.”

Certainly it seems that madness is the theme, even though it has not been proven in any of the cases. On Monday Pistorius was ordered to attend Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital every weekday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. (or as required by the medical staff) from Monday May 26 for 30 days. A panel of three psychiatrists and a clinical psychologist will assess whether he was “criminally responsible” and able to appreciate the “wrongfulness” of what he did in the early hours of February 14 last year, when he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp by firing four bullets into the door of a toilet cubicle in his Pretoria home. Judge Thokozile Masipa adjourned the case to June 30.
Oscar Pistorius to Attend Mental Hospital as Outpatient for 30 Days

May 20, 2014
Three psychiatrists and a clinical psychologist will “observe” the behavior of South African murder accused, Oscar Pistorius, for 30 days starting next Monday. Judge Thokozile Masipa ordered this morning that Pistorius must “present himself as an outpatient” at a Pretoria mental hospital at 9 a.m. on May 26, and attend every weekday as required by the hospital’s medical superintendent.
The judge made the order in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria in terms of South Africa’s Criminal Procedure Act that makes provisions for all the procedures and other related matters in criminal proceedings. She said he should remain at Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital daily, until 4 p.m. “or until formally excused by the medical superintendant.” This means he could be allowed to go home earlier, or might be required to stay at the hospital until later each day.
Oscar Pistorius Has General Anxiety Disorder, Needs Psychiatric Evaluation

May 14, 2014
The Oscar Pistorius trial took a dramatic turn this week when a forensic psychiatrist announced that Pistorius has a general anxiety disorder (GAD) that might have played a role in the killing of Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day last year. Based on this diagnosis, State Advocate Gerrie Nel, for the prosecution, told the Court he had no option but to apply for the blade runner to be sent to a State institution for 30 days for psychiatric evaluation in terms of the law.
What Happened Behind the Oscar Pistorius Door Remains a Mystery

May 13, 2014
When ballistics specialist Wollie Wolmarans took the stand in the Oscar Pistorius murder case, media watchdogs and public viewers were hoping he would reveal more about the mystery of what happened behind the toilet door in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year. But so far, what happened behind the door remains a total mystery and probably always will.
A key witness, Wolmarans has detailed ballistics tests that he carried out for the defense. Involved from the start of the case, he was present when South African Police (SAP) employee, Captain Christian Mangema examined the now-infamous meranti door through which Paralympian super-star Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his gorgeous model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of February 14, 2013.
Reeva Steenkamp and Her Last Supper With Oscar Pistorius

May 9, 2014
Critical evidence associated with the Oscar Pistorius murder trial focused on gastric emptying yesterday, with a specialist anesthetist testifying that she agreed with the evidence given by a forensic pathologist who was a State witness. However, Prof. Christina Lundgren said there were numerous reasons why seven fluid oz. (200 ml) of recognizable food was found in the stomach of Reeva Steenkamp five hours after her death, and so it was impossible to state categorically when she had eaten her last supper.
The issue of gastric emptying was used by the State to try and disprove the Olympian athlete’s claim that he and Reeva ate supper together at 7 pm on February 13 last year. He has also maintained that they went to the bedroom shortly after eating; that Reeva did yoga, and that they then went to sleep. The State, on the other hand, has maintained that the couple ate much later than this and argued rather than sleeping. This would explain the food found in the stomach of the deceased when the autopsy was done.
Oscar Pistorius Traumatized and Heartbroken Not Acting Court Told
, 2014
The social worker who was appointed probation officer for Oscar Pistorius prior to his bail hearing last year has told the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria that she believed he was severely traumatized, heartbroken, and in mourning. Yvette van Schalkwyk said that on Tuesday this week she volunteered to give evidence in the murder trial after she had read that people had accused him of being trained to act, and putting on a show in court. She said she did not believe that he was acting and was upset by the accusations.
In spite of an objection by State Advocate Gerrie Nel, that van Schalkwyk’s evidence be ruled inadmissible because it was essentially a response to the State case, Judge Thokozile Masipa ruled that it was permissible, and allowed the witness to continue giving evidence.
Oscar Pistorius Neighbors Did Not Hear Screams the Night He Killed Reeva
Three of the people who live in houses right next to Oscar Pistorius, in Pretoria’s Silver Woods Estate, gave evidence in the North Gauteng High Court On Tuesday morning that they did not hear screams the night Reeva Steenkamp was killed. All the neighbors heard was a loud bang and the sounds of a man crying very loudly.
First on the witness stand was Michael Nhlengethwa who said he and Pistorius shared a passion for cars. He also told the court that he had met Reeva the weekend before her death, and that the world-famous blade runner had introduced her as his fiancée. In addition, Pistorius told him that he would be moving to Johannesburg in March 2014 because he wanted to be closer to Reeva. In response, Nhlengethwa said he commented, “this one is for keeps.”
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Oscar Pistorius Broken, Desperate, Crying, Pleading and Praying Court Told
, 2014
The first person on the scene after Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year told the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria today how desperate the accused was after the shooting. Manager of the estate where Pistorius lived, Johan Stander painted a picture of a man “torn apart” and broken, crying, praying and pleading desperately for God to help him save Reeva Steenkamp whom he had shot four times through a closed toilet door.
It was not something he would like to experience again, Stander said, adding that it was “difficult to describe.” Clearly emotional, he said he would never forget the image of Pistorius carrying the slain woman down the stairs from the bathroom. “I saw the truth there that morning. I saw it and I feel it.” Pistorius, he said was crying as “he begged God to try and keep her alive,” displaying an “expression of sorrow and pain” in “his commitment to save the young lady’s life.”
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Reeva Told Oscar Pistorius She Loved Him the Day He Killed Her
, 2014
A card entered as evidence in the murder trial of Paralympian runner Oscar Pistorius, featured the words “I love you” written by his slain lover, Reeva Steenkamp. She had given him the card and a gift the day before Valentine’s Day and had told him to only open it the following day. Having told Oscar in the card that she loved him, only hours into Valentine’s Day 2013, he shot four bullets through a closed toilet door at his luxurious Pretoria home, and killed her.
Referring to February 14, 2013 as the day “when the accident happened,” Pistorius said the envelope in which the card had been placed had his nickname, “Ozzie” written on it, together with hearts and a squiggle. With the card in his hand, he said it read, “roses are red, violets are blue,” as well as “I think today is a good day to tell you that … I love you,” the latter three words appearing under the printed words, “happy valentine’s day.” The card was signed by Reeva, who had also drawn a smiley face and three kisses in the form of xxx at the bottom of the page. The gift, wrapped in striped red, white and blue wrapping paper, with a packet of pink and white, heart-shaped sweets stuck to the parcel, contained a photo frame with four pictures of Reeva and Pistorius together.
Today the Theme in Court For Oscar Pistorius Was Tailoring Your Evidence
, 2014
Labeled by some South Africans as the best reality show since Big Brother Africa, the Oscar Pistorius trial resumed this morning with an announcement by State prosecutor Gerrie Nel that the theme for today was “tailoring your evidence.” The man who has gained various bulldog and bull terrier nicknames because of his dogged determination to get to “the truth,” said he would continue his line of questioning in court that would show that Pistorius is making his evidence up as he goes along.
Nel started by asking if Reeva Steenkamp, the murder victim, was a very neat person. Pistorius said she was “in some senses,” though her car was “a mess.” Nel pointed out that at the murder scene all her clothes were folded up and put away in her overnight bag, but her denim jeans were on the floor. Pistorius has given evidence that when he got up shortly before he heard the noise that lead him to believe intruders were in his house, he had planned to use the jeans to cover a blue light on the amplifier for his hi fi.
Sunday Newspaper Reports Oscar Pistorius Is a Liar
, 2014
South Africa’s leading Sunday newspaper, the Sunday Times has published a report that claims Oscar Pistorius lied to its reporters about his relationship with Reeva Steenkamp and denied that he had been assaulted in December 2012. The headline on page one of today’s paper reports, “Oscar is a liar,” with the word is underlined in red. Pistorius is standing trial for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp whom he admits shooting dead at his home in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year. He maintains it was a dreadful mistake and that he is not guilty of murder
Almost four full pages of today’s Sunday Times are devoted to stories about the famous athlete whose sensational trial in Pretoria is being covered by hundreds of journalists from all over the world. There is also a four-page wrap-around, advertising Samsung’s Galaxy S5 that features the top half of the paper’s front page (above).
Vulnerable Oscar Pistorius Approached Danger Ready to Shoot
, 2014
In the early hours of Valentine’s Day 2013, murder accused Oscar Pistorius approached what he thought was terrifying danger, armed and ready to shoot. This is according to State prosecutor Advocate Gerrie Nel, who was cross-examining the world-famous athlete on the 21st day of a trial that has attracted the same kind of attention as the 1997 O. J. Simpson trial in the USA. Nel wanted to know why Pistorius, who has maintained he was “overcome by fear” and felt extremely vulnerable, had headed towards the terrifying noise he had heard instead of leaving the bedroom with Reeva Steenkamp and going downstairs to safety.
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Oscar Pistorius Last Meal With Reeva Before Murder Was Chicken Stir-Fry
, 2014
Oscar Pistorius told the Pretoria High Court today that the last meal he shared with Reeva was chicken stir-fry with vegetables that she cooked. He said they ate the meal about eight hours before her alleged murder and that she definitely did not eat again. The prosecution maintains the autopsy report proves she ate as little as two hours before her death, while the defense maintains it could have been up to eight hours or more, and that there is no scientific way to prove this either way.
Today was Pistorius’ third day in court, and his second under cross-examination by State prosecutor, Advocate Gerrie Nel, nicknamed the bulldog. Nel repeatedly accused him of lying and said his version of what happened on Valentine’s Day last year was “so improbable nobody would ever think it was probable.”
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Oscar Pistorius Says Pulled Trigger Without Thinking Now Defending His Life
, 2014
Paralympian murder accused Oscar Pistorius has admitted that he did not have time to think before he fired four shots into a toilet door, killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day last year. Into his third day on the stand, he gave evidence that says he pulled the trigger of his pistol without thinking of the consequences. He also told the court on several occasions that his life was “on the line” and that he was defending his future.
Today was his third day on the stand, and marked the end of questioning by his advocate Barry Roux. During this phase of questioning, one of the last statements Pistorius made was to say he had not intended “to kill Reeva or anybody else for that matter!”
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Oscar Pistorius Zombie Stopper – Watermelon Softer Than Brain [Video]
, 2014
A video showing Oscar Pistorius shooting a watermelon that explodes on impact was shown in the Pretoria High Court today after the prosecutor in his murder trial, Gerrie Nel had asked him what “a zombie stopper” was. In the video, produced by Sky News and published on YouTube, he is heard saying, “It’s a lot softer than brain but f*** it feels like a zombie stopper.”
Having said in response to the zombie stopper question that he had no idea what it was, Nel asked Pistorius if he would be surprised to see people shooting watermelons and using that term. Pistorius said he would be surprised, and when asked if he would like to see the video, replied that he would. Defense advocate, Barry Roux immediately leapt up and accused Nel of an “ambush,” maintaining he was introducing new evidence during cross examination.
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Oscar Pistorius Sobs and Wails in Court While Describing How He Shot Reeva
, 2014
After a highly emotional day in court, Oscar Pistorius finally broke down with uncontrollable sobs and wails while describing the events of Valentine’s Day 2013 and how he shot Reeva, his beautiful girlfriend, dead. After a short adjournment during which Pistorius, still sobbing loudly, left the courtroom with his brother Carl and sister Aimee, his advocate Barry Roux told the court he was “soaking wet” and too emotional to continue.
Oscar Pistorius Has Sleepless Nights and Can Still Smell Reeva’s Blood
, 2014
Legendary Paralympian Oscar Pistorius took the stand for the first time today at his murder trial, opting to start by apologizing to the victom Reeva’s family and friends for the pain he has caused them. Fighting back tears, with his voice breaking, he said there had not been a day since the tragedy happened that he had not woken up and thought of them. He said he has had terrible nightmares, sleepless nights, and can still smell the blood more than a year after the killing.
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Oscar Pistorius Selling Home Where He Shot Reeva to Pay for His Trial
, 2014
Representatives for Olympian blade-runner Oscar Pistorius have announced that Pistorius is selling the Pretoria home where he shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp to enable him to pay for his murder trial. The announcement was posted in the form of a media statement on his official web site, oscarpistorius.com by Brian Webber of Ramsay Webber Inc on Thursday.
Ramsay Webber are the attorneys that along with Advocates Kenny Oldwage and Barry Roux, are representing the Olympian and Para-Olympian athlete who has admitted to shooting Steemkamp dead, but who has pleaded not guilty to the murder charge.
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Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp’s Mother Make Contact in Murder Court
, 2014
Oscar Pistorius, accused of the murder of model, Reeva Steenkamp in the Pretoria High Court in South Africa this month, greeted Mrs. June Steenkamp when he entered the courtroom this morning. A journalist sitting nearby reported hearing Pistorius say “morning m’am,” very softly, and saw her nod in response. On March 4, the day after the court case began, Reeva Steenkamp’s mother told the Today Show in a live interview that she was ready to forgive Pistorius and had been in court hoping to make contact with him by catching his eye. But he walked passed her looking straight ahead. She said she didn’t wish him harm, and just wanted to know the truth. Today the contact she wanted happened.
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Door With Bullet Holes in Court During Oscar Pistorius Trial
, 2014
During the Oscar Pistorius trial today, the damaged toilet door that the murder-accused Olympian runner shot through, then tried to beat down with a cricket bat on Valentine’s Day last year, was the center of attention in the Pretoria High Court today. Reassembled in a frame alongside 1 m-/ 3.2 ft-high walls configured to the shape and size of the room in which Reeva Steenkamp died, the door was used extensively during examination and cross-examination of the state’s first forensic witness, Colonel Johan Vermeulen. Part of the state’s murder evidence, the door bears testimony to the events that unfolded last February, with four bullet holes and a number of other marks, chips and indentations clearly visible.
Judge Instructs Media at Oscar Pistorius Trial to Behave After Legal Breach
, 2014
A legal breach of the strict conditions imposed on hundreds of journalists covering the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa stopped court proceedings this morning. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel interrupted the defense cross-examination of Michelle Burger, first witness in the dramatic court case, to tell the judge that a photograph of Burger had been flighted on television “in violation of a court order.” Soon after this, millions watching the case live on television heard as the judge instructs the media to behave, otherwise they will pay the price.
Exactly a week ago, in a ground-breaking South African judgment, it was ruled that the Oscar Pistorius trial could be televised live under very specific conditions. These conditions included witnesses having the option to not be filmed. Michelle Burger chose this option, which meant only the audio recording of her evidence could be broadcast.
Oscar Pistorius Shot Girlfriend With Lethal Bullets Designed to Kill
, 2014
Olympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius sobbed and repeatedly vomited into a bucket in the Pretoria High Court today while he listened to the evidence given by state pathologist, Prof. Gert Saayman who did the autopsy on Reeva Steenkamp whom he shot and killed on Valentine’s Day last year. Although given the option to leave court, Pistorius stayed to hear horrifying details of what the lethal bullets he had shot from his gun did to his gorgeous girlfriend whom he has vowed he loved. Evidence led during today’s court hearing included testimony that the bullets discharged from a 9 mm Parabellum gun were designed to cause “maximum damage” and likely kill the person being shot at.
Oscar Pistorius Shot Girlfriend With Lethal Bullets Designed to Kill
, 2014
Olympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius sobbed and repeatedly vomited into a bucket in the Pretoria High Court today while he listened to the evidence given by state pathologist, Prof. Gert Saayman who did the autopsy on Reeva Steenkamp whom he shot and killed on Valentine’s Day last year. Although given the option to leave court, Pistorius stayed to hear horrifying details of what the lethal bullets he had shot from his gun did to his gorgeous girlfriend whom he has vowed he loved. Evidence led during today’s court hearing included testimony that the bullets discharged from a 9 mm Parabellum gun were designed to cause “maximum damage” and likely kill the person being shot at.