Many pictures collage

Australian Client: Commonsense Marketing

I have been writing for Australian marketing expert, Annette Welsford of Commonsense Marketing since 2009. Topics have ranged from tomatoes, potatoes and vegetables in general for Annette herself, to painting, plumbing, electricity and human resources for her clients. My most recent brief is to do social media and blog posts for a property mortgage options…

Boston childrens hospital
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Justina Pelletier “Kidnapped” From Her Parents by the State

The Justina Pelletier case that has been playing out in Connecticut and Massachusetts for more than a year since February 2013, is every parent’s nightmare. Diagnosed with a rare disease known as mito (mitochdrial disease) about four years ago, Justina was virtually kidnapped from her family after her parents had admitted her to Boston Children’s…

write for outsourcing sites

Writing Tips

Picture by Raúl Hernández González, Writing Projects on Outsourcing Sites Outsourcing sites offer writing opportunities of every possible type. It is usually the way the writing is used that is different, rather than what is written. Also many of the writing projects are ghost writing projects where writers give your employers full copyright to…

Reputation as a writer
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Establish a Good Reputation

How to Establish a Good Reputation on Outsourcing Sites Newcomers to outsourcing sites may be forgiven for being intimidated if they have never tried to get work this way before. It can be especially difficult if that person doesn’t have a lot of experience freelancing. But it is essential to establish a good reputation, particularly…

outsource handshake

Make Money Outsourcing

How Much Money Can You Make from Outsourcing Sites? It is possible to make a substantial amount of money online writing for employers who have registered with outsourcing sites. The amount you can make, however, depends on the type of jobs you bid for and your level of bidding success. It also depends on how…